Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How I Got My First Shoe-In

Welcome to my blog, A Shoe-In. 

I do love shoes. Love wearing them. Love buying them. Loving looking at them. Love, love, love them. I also believe that there's no better feeling than helping someone else get their (well-dressed) foot in the door! After all, everyone has to start somewhere. 

I will always remember the people who helped me start my career in fashion. First, there was Amy Flurry. I heard her speak at a University of Georgia Magazine Club event (the one event I ever went to). A seasoned magazine writer, Amy mentioned that when looking for an internship, one should search Ed2010. Now, way back in 2006, 2010 seemed quite far away. But the forward-thinking folks at Ed2010 realized that budding magazine writers and editors (who would be on the masthead around the year 2010) wanted to find internships, and overworked editors needed interns. Brilliant. 

Since I had already decided that I would be spending the summer after my sophomore year in New York City, I used this piece of advice to my advantage. On this site, I found an entry for Cosmopolitan Magazine. Brooke Rosen Lucks, Accessories Editor, was looking for someone to man the accessories closet. At the time I applied (spring semester 2006), I was working at The Red & Black as a fashion columnist and moonlighting as a page designer. It was during my evening shift when the email from Ms. Rosen came through. She would see me for an interview! I'm sure I screamed (or something); Lyndsay Hoban may be able to verify.

I got a new outfit, went to New York City for the interview and that was that. Someone took a chance on me and I'll never forget it. 

Here are a few shots from that trip to New York...

In the cab and oh-so excited!
The NYC hustle and bustle, right after I left the Cosmo office on 57th.
My yet-to-be perfected photog skills.

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